5 ways to shrink your stress factor and find peace

I have a vintage copy of Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking that I inherited from my Dad.


It’s funny to read such a work that was originally published over 60 years ago. When he writes about how busy and frenetic the culture is, you’d think he was talking about today!


In the chapter titled “A Peaceful Mind Generates Power,” Peale details his own perspective on how to create a more powerful and positive sense of being by practicing a few simple techniques, including these:


The Power Positive Thinking

  1. Empty the mind. Twice a day, engage in the practice of emptying your mind of fears, hates, insecurities, regrets and guilt feelings.

  3. Think peaceful thoughts. Throughout the day, let mental images of the most peaceful scenes you can recall pass through your mind.

  5. Repeat peaceful words. Speaking and thinking peaceful, quieting words helps your mind react in a peaceful manner. Peale suggests using words like “tranquility,” and “serenity,” and to evoke mental imagery of such words when you do so.

  7. Practice silence daily. Today we might call this meditation. But Peale writes we should all insist on at least 15 minutes of absolute silence every 24 hours. “Throw your mind into neutral,” he writes.

  9. Forgive yourself. Peale writes that he finds people who lack inner peace are victimized by what he calls a “self-punishment mechanism.” You live in a constant state of expecting the other shoe to drop. Self-forgiveness is the key.


His work is it isn’t nearly as “science-backed” as all the articles and techniques we read about today. But the insight is pretty right on.

A mind full of peace, he says, becomes a vast source of power in your life.


In this week’s column on TheMuse.com I write about today’s science-backed advice to finding more peace and happiness in your life.


Check it out and see how, really, the themes and ideas aren’t all that different from what the sages wrote 60 years ago.


Then try a few techniques and let me know what you find.


Here’s to a peaceful mind and a happier life.

Image: Pixabay





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