6 Questions That’ll Make You Second Guess Your Career Change Plans (in a Good Way!)

I frequently receive calls from people who are stressed about their current job situation. They believe if they don’t change their trajectories RIGHT NOW, they’ll be stuck in the industry forever.


They’re unhappy, unfulfilled, worried that they chose the wrong career path. As a result of this dissatisfaction, they become consumed with making a move—a major move.


But in spite of the itch to foster a change, many professionals don’t really need a total overhaul in what they’re doing. They simply need perspective.


It’s never too late to transition careers, but it’s not the only option you have if you’re feeling restless at work. Sometimes, a well-placed question or two about where you are now can enable you to determine what your answer should be.


It may not be a change you need, but a different way of looking at your situation. Here are six questions to help you assess your situation before you abandon your industry for that one over there.


1. Am I Taking Responsibility for My Career Happiness?
2. How Is My Career Providing Meaning?
3. Do I Have Career Envy?


Hm, curious? Read the rest of the list, and suggestions for thinking about your career change over at The Muse.

When you’re ready for help sorting out something in your job or career, book a Coaching Session with me.


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