How to know what you’re good at



What am I good at? It’s a simple question that can stop you cold in your career or job search.


Whether you’re starting a job search, or negotiating a new role at work, you have to know what you’re wired to do well, and how you achieve great outcomes, so that you can confidently promote your value to employers and hiring managers.


It’s not surprising this question stymies you. After all, when you’re young, you aren’t really taught how to learn about YOU and what you’re good at. Math, science, history, language. Check.


But. What are YOU good at? How do you use that good in the world? Not so much. 


This can seem like daunting question so let me break it down for you.


Usually, the things you are good at, are in your innate wiring. But it can be difficult to figure out what those things are. 


When I first started my Career Consulting practice, I worked alot with recent grads and young adults who often struggled with this question. So I started using two VERY simple tools to help them down this path. For most, it’s an eye-opening look into better understanding themselves.


The tools I use for EVERY client

Cost: Free. This is a basic personality type test, and will give you the same four-letter acronym you would typically find on a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. 




Cost: $19.99. This will give you your top five Strengths profiles. Strengths are the powerful natural talents you possess that, with application of skill, knowledge and attention, build into powerful career assets. Believe me, it’s worth the 20 bucks (USD).


You know your wiring. Now what?


  • Check in with the blogosphere. There are myriad bloggers out there writing about personality type. 
    • Google your 4-letter type.
    • Read a number of posts and blogs. 
    • Consider what resonates with you about how your type shows up.
    • Think about how you have already delivered positive outcomes, based on your type.
    • How does this help you answer that question, “What am I good at?”


  • Investigate your strengths. There’s a site I love to have clients review to easily learn about your strengths in clear simple language. 
    • Go to 
    • Input your strength profile into the xxxx part, e.g.
    • Watch the video on the upper left corner of the page.
    • Read through the rest of the information on the page.
    • Consider how you have already achieved positive outcomes using your top 5 strength profiles. Write specific stories that identify those wins. What do you notice?
    • How does this help you answer that question, “What am I good at?”


Once you can better speak to what you’re good at, you’ll feel confident talking about yourself in workplace and job search.


If you need more help, consider setting up a quick session with me so we can get you confidently on the right path.
